The audiobook links are here!
In my last post, I linked a few different ways to listen to the A Day in Fall audiobook. Recently, I received an email from my main distributor, Findaway Voices, with several more.
Here are the most recent links if you want to listen to A Day in Fall:
You can purchase the audiobook on all of these sites, and most of them also follow the Amazon Audible model where you can use a subscription to listen to this book (and thousands of others) for free. The product will be exactly the same regardless of which distributor you use.
If you're more interested in paperback or eBook, here are those links:
A Day in Winter
For those who haven't heard, A Day in Winter is the sequel to A Day in Fall and the second of four spy thrillers novels in what I've termed the Echelon Series. It's finished and ready to go (I know, took me long enough.)
Here's the part that's taking so long - the publisher. Full disclosure, I was offered an opportunity with a publisher a few weeks ago but turned it down. I won't get into specifics, but it didn't feel like a good fit.
Publishing is, unfortunately, often a waiting game. I don't have a literary agent, and there are less small/medium publishers looking for these types of books than their used to be. Consolidation has hit publishing hard (just like pretty much every other entertainment medium) and that hurts authors and end consumers.
But that's okay. There's a publisher out there for A Day in Winter. And, if the situation becomes dire, I'll publish the book on Amazon in 2025 without the backing of a publisher.
That's it for now. Thank you so much to everyone who's read A Day in Fall and told friends/family/coworkers about it. That really means so much. Leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you think about it!