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A Day in Fall Comes to Audiobook

Writer's picture: Charles HarnedCharles Harned

Some exciting news. Do you have a long car ride coming up? A boring flight? A summer full of workdays you're struggling to make it through? A vacation you were looking forward to but got bored of three days in?

Here's a way to maybe make those chores a little more tolerable. A Day in Fall is now available as an audiobook!

Novel A Day in Fall being played as an audiobook through headphones

Why Audiobook?

It made sense to make A Day in Fall available to as many people in as many ways as possible. Hard copy books are still the predominant way people read, but that's continuing to change. In 2022 it was announced that 3 out of 10 people read e-books. I've used a Kindle Paperwhite for years and love the convenience, ease of use, and how it links to my library card so I'm never without something to read. (No, that isn't a plug. I just really like it.)

But it feels almost negligent to ignore the entire segment of people who may not like to read in their spare time, but still enjoy being entertained. Let's face it; entertainment is a driver for almost all of us. Enter the audiobook.

Audiobooks make up roughly ten percent of the book sales market, but they're continuing to grow in popularity. And they take convenience to a whole new level, because you can do any number of other things while listening. It only made sense that I convert A Day in Fall into an audiobook. This took longer than I expected, but late is better than never.

Where to Buy?

Right this second, there are two places to purchase the A Day in Fall audiobook:

You can also access the audiobook via my website, which will have links for everywhere it's sold.

With both of these platforms, you can listen on your phone via an app, or on your laptop/desktop. Soon, A Day in Fall will also be available on Spotify and several other platforms.

But What About Audible?

Regrettably, A Day in Fall isn't on Audible at the moment. That will change at some point, but it takes longer to get approved than the other platforms. You could say Audible dominates the audiobook market (it's owned by Amazon, so that tracks), but the other platforms are just as good and offer the same subscription-based model if you're looking to listen to several books.

I will continue to update as A Day in Fall gets listed for sale on other audiobook platforms.

Feel free to reach out via my website or at A Day in Winter is coming, with more announcements about that in the near future. Hopefully it will arrive by early 2025.

Thanks for reading!


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