Hey everyone, this is a quick update about what's been going on with my book and more things to come.
So, there's been a development. The owner of my publishing company (White Bird Publications) very sadly passed away in May. She was a monumental help to me and I'll always be grateful for her hard work and guidance.
It's an unusual situation that I was not at all prepared for. Getting information has been difficult, but from what I've managed to learn the publishing company is dissolving and all rights are being returned to the authors (including me).
There's some good and bad in that, I think. If you've gone on Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Walmart etc. and noticed that A Day in Fall is only available in eBook format, that's why. The paperback version got pulled, but because it doesn't require any logistics between publisher, distributer, and retailer the eBook is still out there. And it should remain that way. I also have about 20 signed paperbacks if anyone is looking for one. Click Here.
The good news is that I'm free to republish A Day in Fall with a different publisher (and that it's still available right now). The bad news is that most publishers are extremely hesitant about republishing something that has already been published once before, even though A Day in Fall has only been out for a couple months. There are publishers that differ from the norm, and I'm working to find one, but they're few and far between. However, I'm not too worried. Getting published once is hard enough - with favorable reviews and decent sales numbers I think I can find someone to take me on.
So, for now, A Day in Fall is in a state of flux, but it's still available if you're looking for a copy.
On another note. I have merchandise!!! I ordered a few items to get a feel for the quality and I was very impressed. We're talking pint glasses, shirts, socks, phone cases, notebooks, tote bags, thermoses, mugs, you name it. Anything you order ships directly to your door, and there's something for everyone. Go check it out!
Book two of four is in the works. A Day in Winter is the direct sequel to A Day in Fall. Sometime in 2023 is the target publication date. That's vague, but I can't get any more detailed at the moment. It will be really good.
That's it for now. More to come soon. Thanks for following along and being so supportive! Feel free to get in touch with me at life9ent@yahoo.com or in the comments. Share with your friends and subscribe if you haven't already.
- Charles Harned