By now hopefully everyone subscribed to my mailing list knows that A Day in Fall, my topical/political/espionage thriller, is being released on April 19th, 2022. That's less than a week from now.

If you're interested, you can Pre-order a signed paperback copy directly from my website. You'll also be able to purchase paperback and eBook copies from my website after A Day in Fall is released, and once that happens I'll have links here that redirect everywhere A Day in Fall is sold.
There will also be other merchandise (shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, phone cases, masks etc.) available for purchase on my site in the coming day or so. I need to get some designs and pricing ironed out, then it's open season.
I'm excited about A Day in Fall and hope the rest of you are as well. It's the first installation of a four-book series about globalization, forces fighting against globalization, and how our world will inevitably change in the coming years. A Day in Winter is in the works, and more news about that will come when it gets closer to completion.
For now thanks so much for your continued support, and Pre-order A Day in Fall. I'll be doing contests in the next couple weeks to give away signed copies in concert with Goodreads and potentially other sites. Be on the lookout for that!
- Charles Harned